Let’s Talk Bearings Posted on Monday, April 13th, 2020 and is filed under News

The new normal is adapt and carry on. That is exactly how lignum vitae bearings have performed for the last 163 years.
During these extreme circumstances we are all discovering new ways to acclimate and continue business as usual. Lignum Vitae North America is excited to invite you to participate in “Let’s Talk Bearings.” To assist in preservation of assets, our outreach approach offers material support sessions for your team.
Sessions generally run 45 – 60 minutes with a question and answer session following the presentation. Presented information includes:
- High Vibrations
- Scored Shafts/Inordinate Wear
- Environmental Issues
- Replacement Parameters
- Appropriate Applications
- Case Studies
- Ongoing Maintenance/Storage Instructions
- Clogged Water Lines, Supply and Quality
- Constant Adjustments/Operating Clearances
- Harvesting, Sustainability
We would like to hear the challenges you are facing and together we can customize any session to fit your specific interest. Reach out and schedule your spot today.
"The Natural Bearing Choice for Over 130 Years"