Will EPA Mandated Plastic & Composite Bearing Regulations Be Next?

Man-made products have provided substandard bearings for Hydro Power Plants. Problems arise from these plastic and composite alternatives such as increased maintenance cost and environmental issues.  “What toxic materials or chemicals are used to manufacture these bearings?” In addition, new studies reveal the environmental impact of small microplastic particles leaking into our water supply may be detrimental to fish.

With every problem there is a natural solution and in this case, natural bearings such as Genuine Lignum-Vitae are outlasting composites and plastics and pose no threat to our aquatic life. The article below is an alarming new development on this issue and the increased risk of using bearings made of man-made chemically produced products.

According to a recent article…

“Study Reveals harm to fish from tiny bit of plastic pollution.”

Washington | BY Will DUNHAM

Scientists have demonstrated for the first time the devastating physiological and behavioral effects on fish exposed to the tiny bits of plastic pollution clogging the world’s oceans.

Lab experiments with European perch larvae showed exposure to microplastic particles at levels present in seas inhibited hatching of fertilized eggs, stunted larval growth, reduced activity levels, and made them more susceptible to predators, increasing mortality rates, researchers said on Thursday.

“For me, the key finding and biggest surprise in this study was the fact that larvae preferentially ate microplastic particles and literally stuffed themselves with the microbeads,” ignoring their natural food source of zooplankton, said marine biologist Oona Lönnstedt of Uppsala University in Sweden.

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